As we have been delivering online programming for the past two years, we have pushed ourselves to continue to deliver the best free and accessible service. In order to best respond to the needs of our students, we have some exciting updates to our free tutoring!
Discover free tutoring will now be available as bookable one hour sessions, at available times between Monday to Friday from 4PM to 8PM. Booking forms will be organized by subject area on our website,, and volunteer profiles will be available to view prior to booking. We will also be expanding our tutoring to include Grades 4 to 6, in addition to 7 to 12.
We are furthermore looking to offer parents opportunities to learn more about how to best support their children's learning and academic careers by offering opportunities for them to book sessions with our volunteers and through new workshops we are currently developing.
Our website booking platform is up and running, and you are now able to begin booking sessions up to two weeks in advance.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Discover, and please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions!